We get thousands of e-mails in our inbox which are so irritating to us..Inorder to unsubscribe from the unwanted e-mails and make the inbox clean/unsubscribe from spam and junk e-mails.we are going to use the wonderful service provided by Swizzle...
Getting Rid of Unwanted e-Mails:
- First you need to logon to the Swizzle.....
- After Logging into the Swizzle signup with your email account.
- Which you want to the account free from junk mails....
- After signing up grant the permission to the Swizzle to access you account mails....
- It supports Gmail,Ymail,Aol,and almost all the mails
- After granting the permission to the E-mail account it will scan your e-mail inbox.....
- After scanning it is going to display you the e-mails from which you can unsubscribe....
- It has the option of deleting the mails which can't be unsubscribed
- Finally makes you inbox free from the junk.......