Tuesday 27 November 2012

5 Great Tools for AdSense Users


  Here are five great tools for people who use Adsense. They are for people who have Adsense installed on their websites. Adsense is the Google affiliate program and is used worldwide. There are millions of advertisers on it, and even though those advertisers are only bidding cents and a few dollars, the sheer amount of advertisers may add up to a nice bit of money for yourself if you are getting clicks. Some people are quite happy
to look at the tools that Google gives out, but other people need more tools in order to do their work. Some people need to tools because they want to see how many clicks they are getting at regular intervals. There are other people who need AdSense tools because they have a lot of websites and the tools make it less labor intensive.

1 - The AdSense Sandbox Tool

This tool will tell you what type of adverts are showing up on your website. This may seem like a silly thing to want, but different adverts show up at different times of the day, for different people. For example if you sign into Facebook and look at your website, then close your browser, clear your cookies/history/etc, then look again, you will see different adverts. The tool will also tell you the category types of adverts running on your website, and you can also find out what types of adverts are showing up on your competitions sites. The sandbox tool can be used to customize your AdSense a little more. You can block certain adverts and remove ones that you do not think are going to sell well on your domain.
2 - AdSense Notifier

This is a sweet little tool for watching the money rolling in. Most affiliate programs will pay you at the end of the set period, and will tell you how much you have made, but this tool will tell you every time you get a click. You can see every time that somebody makes a click (aka, you are paid). You can see how many clicks you have gotten, how much money it is going to pay you. This is for people who will additively check their click statistics. If you are one of these people then you will save hours every week by simply being notified of the clicks. This is a free Firefox plug-in when checks your AdSense money every fifteen minutes. It displays how much money you have made in the bottom right corner of the browser.

3 - Alternate URL

This is a way of setting up multiple adverts for your many websites. If you already have PSA adverts running on one site, and you do not want to set up new networks for your other site then you can use Alternate URL. It is an alternative to AdSense, where you can be paid 50% Adsense and 50% PSA. You will still be paid by PayPal every month. If you have hundreds of sites--this tool will be a great help in making your advertising job a little easier.

4 - Adsblacklist

This is a tool that will list websites that were made for Adsense. They often have a low cost per click. You are able to see who your competitors are. You can filter the websites and generate lists for your own use. If you sign up to be a premier member you are also allowed to submit new “made for Adsense” websites that you have found (you are paid for them, of-course).

5 - Adsense Earnings RSS feed

You can use this script in order to generate a news feed for your Adsense earnings. You can build reports and see how well your affiliate marketing is doing. You can download the script and customize the feed to give you as much or as little information as you desire.

Author’s bio:
My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web-site http://www.writing-research-papers.org. We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.


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